Elephants are a fascinating specie of animals. The long ears, strong tusks and the muscular trunk are some peculiar features of the animal. All of these features fulfil a specific function of the elephant’s livelihood that we could have never imagined. There is so much to know about them. This fun quiz trivia on elephants will give you a chance to know a little bit more about them. So have a look – here are 35 interesting trivia elephant quiz questions and answers.
Elephant Quiz Questions And Answers
1 The duration of pregnancy in elephants is considered the longest in land animals. It lasts for a period of ___ .
A. 15 months
B. 22 months
C. 30 months
2 The word elephant is derived from the word “elephas” that means ivory. The word is from which of the following languages?
A. Greek
B. Berber
C. Latin
3 The longest living elephant found in Angola, died in 1956. The elephant died because it ___ .
A. Had a heart attack
B. Suffered from starvation
C. Was shot
4 What was the weight of the heaviest elephant that was ever recorded?
A. 24,000 pounds
B. 28,500 pounds
C. 22,000 pounds
5 What kind of training are elephants widely provided?
A. To act in circus
B. To lift heavy loads
C. Both the above
6 Which specie of elephant has the largest ears?
A. African elephants
B. Asian elephants
C. Both of the above
7 Large ears of the elephants help them to ___.
A. Digest food better
B. Attract opposite sex for mating
C. Regulate their body temperature
8 The fastest speed at which the elephants can run is ___.
A. 25 mph
B. 15 mph
C. 35 mph
9 What is the number of elephant species in the world?
A. Seven
B. Three
C. Fifteen
10 What is the term that is used to call a group of elephants?
A. Caravan
B. Colony
C. Herd
11 Elephant are inhabitants of which of the following regions?
A. Africa
B. Asia
C. Both
12 The average lifespan of the elephants is considered to vary from ___.
A. 20-30 years
B. 50-70 years
C. 80-100 years
13 What is the most adoring feature of the elephants?
A. Ivory tusks
B. Weight of elephants
C. Style of walking
14 The Asian elephant species are also called ___.
A. Elephas maximus
B. Equus caballus
C. Camelus
15 When elephants spray dirt and mud with its trunk on the back, it helps to act as a ___.
A. Sunscreen
B. Warmer
C. Fun pastime
16 Elephants are known to perform which of the following actions?
A. Fly
B. Swim
C. Jump
17 Loxodonta Africana is the scientific name of which species of elephants?
A. African bush elephant
B. African Savannah elephant
C. Asian elephant
18 When elephants compete for females, they experience elevated testosterone levels. This is called as ___.
A. Musth
B. Hustle
C. Bust
19 Which type of animals are elephants considered?
A. Herbivores
B. Carnivores
C. Omnivores
20 What is the term that is used to call baby elephants?
A. Kittens
B. Puppies
C. Calves
21 Which part of the male elephant attracts the female elephants?
A. Ears
B. Back
C. Tusk
22 Elephants are known to exhibit which of the following characteristics towards their friends/family members?
A. Empathy
B. Fear
C. Rivalry
23 The amount of methane gas an elephant produces as a byproduct of digestion in a day can power a car for how many kilometers?
A. 15
B. 27
C. 32
24 Elephants use their elongated tusks for which of the following activities?
A. To tear or dig food and water
B. As a weapon in battles
C. Both of them
25 Elephant poaching is done to procure which part of the elephant?
A. Tusk
B. Ears
C. Legs
26 What are elephants most afraid of?
A. Water
B. Bees
C. Trees
27 When the elephant is angry, playful or surprised what does it do?
A. Blow the trumpet sound
B. Run
C. Dance
28 Elephants can make a sound that measures as loud as?
A. 90 decibels
B. 103 decibels
C. 115 decibels
29 How do elephants sleep?
A. Lying down on the ground
B. Standing up
C. Taking support of trees
30 Elephant population has dwindled because of ___.
A. Elephant poaching
B. Loss of habitat to humans
C. Both
31 How much food do elephants need every day on average to survive?
A. 50 kilograms
B. 150 kilograms
C. 350 kilograms
32 How many muscles are there in the trunk of elephants?
A. 150
B. 15,000
C. 150,000
33 How long does the pregnancy of elephants last?
A. 12 months
B. 22 months
C. 32 months
34 Which part of African elephants is much bigger than Asian ones?
A. Ears
B. Eyes
C. Trunk
35 What is the fear of elephants?
A. Pachydermophobia
B. Ailurophobia
C. Ornithophobia
We hope that this elephant trivia quiz have made you aware about the intelligence and strength that drives these mammoth creatures. Make sure you share them with your friends. And if you have a bit more time, try another animal quiz on our list – horse trivia or donkey trivia quiz.
Elephants are more fascinating than I had originally figured. I missed a few on the quiz, had no idea they produced so much methane gas.