There are up to 10,000 different species of bird all over the world. They can vary greatly in size, colours, behaviours, habitats, and more features. Check out the following 30 name that bird picture quiz questions and answers to see how much you know.
30 Name That Bird Picture Quiz Questions And Answers
1. What is this species of bird with a huge yellow bill?
A. Ibis
B. Toucan
C. Puffin
2. What is the name of this raptor that typically scavenges on decaying flesh of dead animals?
A. Vulture
B. Osprey
C. Falcon
3. What is the name of this bird species that is able to fly backwards?
A. Cuckoo
B. Arctic tern
C. Hummingbird
4. What is the name of this bird species that catches fish in a throat pouch?
A. Heron
B. Kingfisher
C. Pelican
5. What is the name of this bird species that live in groups called waterfowls near lakes and rivers?
A. Geese
B. Duck
C. Swan
6. What is the name of this bird species with a bright red chest that has long been a symbol of Christmas?
A. Spotted towhee
B. Robin
C. Varied thrush
7. What is the name of this bird species that is a popular symbol of peace?
A. Dove
B. Pigeon
C. Jay
8. What is the name of this bird species that may fly more than 2.4 million kilometres to migrate during its life?
A. Arctic tern
B. Antarctic tern
C. Polar tern
9. What is the name of the fastest bird of prey?
A. Hawk
B. Osprey
C. Falcon
10. What is the name of this eagle species, which is the national bird of the United States?
A. Sea eagle
B. Snake eagle
C. Bald eagle
11. What is the name of this bird species that gets its bright red feathers from the food it eats?
A. Scarlet ibis
B. Flamingos
C. Roseate spoonbill
12. What is the name of this common British bird species with a black head and white cheeks?
A. Wren
B. Great tit
C. Siskin
13. What is the name of this colourful garden bird species with yellow wings and vibrant red face?
A. Goldfinch
B. Evening grosbeak
C. Summer tanager
14. What is the name of this unique bird species characterised by a long tail and monochrome plumage?
A. American crow
B. Magpie
C. Clark’s nutcracker
15. What is the name of the largest bird species in the world that cannot fly?
A. Rhea
B. Ostrich
C. Kiwi
16. What is the name of this bird species that looks like a cross between a duck, a penguin, and a parrot?
A. Puffin
B. Auk
C. Murre
17. What is the name of this bird species with gorgeous and colourful tails?
A. Pheasant
B. Peacock
C. Marvelous spatuletail
18. What is the name of this bird species that can run away very quickly from predators?
A. Sandrunner
B. Desertrunner
C. Roadrunner
19. What is the name of this bird species that drills and drums on trees with its strong bills to probe for insects?
A. White-breasted nuthatch
B. Northern flicker
C. Woodpecker
20. What is the name of this nocturnal bird species that can fly silently and have binocular vision?
A. Owl
B. Nightjar
C. Common nighthawk
21. What is the name of this bird species with a long neck and long legs that is the symbol of eternal youth and happiness in many Asian countries?
A. White stork
B. Grey heron
C. Crane
22. What is the name of this colourful bird species that can imitate the human voice and many other sounds?
A. Songbird
B. Parrot
C. African grey
23. What is the name of this bird that has a special vocal organ developed to produce elaborate and diverse bird songs?
A. Singbird
B. Songbird
C. Soundbird
24. What is the name of this bird species that is believed to deliver babies to their children in western folklore?
A. Stork
B. Nightingale
C. Heron
25. What is the name of this bird species that appears in a very popular ballet composed by Tchaikovsky?
A. Goose
B. Swan
C. Pelican
26. What is the name of this bird species with a crimson crest, body, and beak and a black face?
A. Northern cardinal
B. Scarlet tanager
C. Vermilion flycatcher
27. What is the name of this common bird species that are widespread and conspicuous in the United Kingdom?
A. Steller’s jay
B. Wren
C. European starling
28. What is the name of this bird species that can mimic hundreds of calls and songs of other birds?
A. Mockingbird
B. Northern shrike
C. Catbird
29. What is the name of this active and playful bird species that is a very popular pet for its gentle and affectionate demeanour?
A. Cockatiel
B. Bourke’s parakeet
C. Eclectus
30. What is the name of this songbird with a square-tipped tail, plump body, and swept-back crest?
A. Black-capped chickadee
B. Cedar waxwing
C. Chipping sparrow
What do you think about these name that bird picture quiz questions and answers? We hope you learn more about the diverse world of birds. For more challenges on the same topic, check out the following fish quiz.