If dogs are man’s best friend, donkeys might be a close second. One of the first animals domesticated by man, they are the original beasts of burden. These are intelligent creatures, and are willing to carry a large burden for you if they trust you. They are considered stubborn, but it is only because they have incredibly strong self preservation instincts. You will not be able to force them to do something if they think it might harm them, and they take a long time to decide if they can trust you. Once they know you can protect them, they’ll be your best friend for life. Here are 35 trivia donkey quiz questions and answers that will test your knowledge about them.
Donkey Trivia Quiz Questions And Answers
1 How long ago did humans domesticate wild donkeys?
A. 2000 years ago
B. 4000 years ago
C. 5000 years ago
2 What type of habitat did donkeys come from?
A. Jungle
B. Desert
C. Plains
3 Are donkeys stronger or weaker than a comparably sized horse?
A. Stronger
B. Weaker
C. About the same
4 Do donkeys prefer to live alone or in packs?
A. Alone
B. In Packs
C. They don’t care
5 What is the name given to young donkeys?
A. Fawn
B. Foal
C. Kid
6 How long can donkeys live?
A. 20 years
B. 30 years
C. 50 years
7 How far away can a donkey hear another donkey?
A. 5 miles
B. 20 miles
C. 60 miles
8 How do donkeys feel about the rain?
A. They don’t mind the rain
B. They like the rain
C. They hate the rain
9 Why do people keep a donkey around horses?
A. They help groom horses
B. They keep mice away
C. They keep nervous horses calm
10 What is the name given to a female donkey?
A. Mare
B. Jenny
C. Sally
11 How many babies do donkeys have at once?
A. 3-5
B. 5 or more
C. Almost always 1
12 Which country today has the most donkeys?
A. Mexico
B. China
C. Pakistan
13 What do you get when you mix a male donkey with a female horse?
A. A burro
B. A mule
C. A zebra
14 What do you get when you mix a male horse with a female donkey?
A. A mule
B. A hinny
C. You can’t do that
15 What do you get when you mate 2 mules?
A. Another mule
B. A zebra
C. Nothing, they’re usually sterile
16 How heavy can the largest donkeys get?
A. 250 pounds
B. 500 pounds
C. 1000 pounds
17 How heavy are the smallest donkeys?
A. 300 pounds
B. 180 pounds
C. 80 pounds
18 How long is a Jenny pregnant?
A. 6 months
B. 9 months
C. 12 months
19 How do donkeys feel about dogs
A. They love dogs
B. They hate dogs
C. They ignore dogs
20 What is stronger, a mule or a hinny?
A. The mule is stronger
B. The hinny is stronger
C. They are equal
21 How do donkeys feel about goats?
A. They love goats
B. They’re afraid of goats
C. They ignore goats
22 How efficient is a donkey’s digestive system?
A. They use 50% of the energy from food
B. They use 75% of the energy from food
C. They use 95% of the energy from food
23 How do donkeys stay groomed?
A. They groom themselves
B. They groom each other
C. They don’t groom
24 Why do shepherds keep a donkey with a herd of sheep?
A. It keeps the sheep calm
B. It guides the sheep where to go
C. It protects the sheep from wolves
25 Why do American Democrats represented by a donkey?
A. Democrats are considered hard working
B. Andrew Jackson’s enemies called him jackass and he embraced it
C. Democrats are known to be very strong willed
26 What do you get when you cross a donkey with a zebra?
A. That won’t work
B. A zonkey
C. A debra
27 What is the largest breed of donkey on Earth?
A. Chinese giant donkey
B. American mammoth donkey
C. Australian crocodile donkey
28 What animal is used to make Pule, the most expensive cheese in the world?
A. Cow
B. Donkey
C. Mule
29 What do donkeys typically like to eat?
A. Bugs
B. Roots
C. Grass
30 How do donkeys usually sleep?
A. Always lying down
B. They don’t sleep
C. They usually sleep standing up
31 How rare are white donkeys?
A. They’re very common
B. Only a few thousand exist
C. There are less than 100 of them on Earth
32 What do donkeys eat?
A. Only plants
B. Only meat
C. Both plants and meat
33 Which kind of animal is a donkey?
A. Mammal
B. Primate
C. Invertebrate
34 What is a filly?
A. A young male donkey
B. A young female donkey
C. An old donkey
35 The donkey is descended from which animal?
A. Zebras
B. African wild asses
C. Mongolian horses
Now you know more about this amazing and intelligent creature that has been human’s faithful friend and tireless helper for more than 5000 years. If you want to try more animal trivia quizzes, here is one about horses, or this one about elephants.
K. Blizzard
Donkeys hating dogs is something haha. I don’t think I’d ever replace my dog with a donkey. Maybe that’s why they hate them so much.