Birds can be found all over the world, and come in different species, sizes, colours, and shapes. No other animals are able to fly faster, further, and higher than them. Check out the following 39 trivia bird quiz questions and answers to test your knowledge about these amazing
Bird Quiz Questions And Answers
1. Which of the following body parts do not exist in birds?
A. Spines
B. Toes
C. Teeth
2. What do we call a baby swan?
A. A joey
B. A calf
C. A cygnet
3. Which is the largest type of penguin?
A. King penguin
B. Queen penguin
C. Emperor penguin
4. Which of the following birds is characterised by a big yellow bill?
A. Toucan
B. Puffin
C. Ibis
5. Which of the following birds lays the biggest eggs, which can weigh up to 1.9 kilograms?
A. Emu
B. Ostrich
C. Song thrush
6. What is a group of ravens called?
A. A spook
B. A school
C. A murder
7. According to an old law, who owns all swans in the United Kingdom?
A. The prime minister
B. The queen
C. The leader of the Church of England
8. Flamingos are born with grey feathers, which gradually turn into which colour?
A. Blue
B. Pink
C. White
9. Which is the lightest bird species in the world, which only weighs 1.6 grams?
A. Bee hummingbird
B. Pygmy owl
C. Woodpecker
10. Approximately how many species of birds are there in the world?
A. Around 1,000 species
B. Around 10,000 species
C. Around 100,000 species
11. The United States of America chose which species of eagle as its emblem?
A. Bald eagle
B. Sea eagle
C. Snake eagle
12. Which species of bird has a throat pouch to catch fish?
A. Heron
B. Kingfisher
C. Pelican
13. Which is the only species of bird that is able to fly backwards?
A. Hummingbird
B. Scarlet robin
C. Collared dove
14. Which of the following species is not a prey bird?
A. Osprey
B. Parrot
C. Vulture
15. Which is special about the peregrine falcon?
A. It is the fastest bird on Earth
B. It is the largest bird on Earth
C. It is the strongest bird on Earth
16. Most bird eggshells are composed of which element compound?
A. Nitrogen
B. Kali
C. Calcium
17. Which of the following information is true about birds?
A. Birds are cold-blooded animals
B. Birds only eat seeds, leaves, and fruits
C. Birds have beaks rather than teeth
18. Characterised by their grey, smooth plumage and brightly coloured tail, which bird can polish off up to 1000 berries per day?
A. Siskin
B. Waxwing
C. Cuckoo
19. Which of the following is NOT a reason that birds migrate in a V formation?
A. To protect each other from other preys
B. To save energy while flying
C. To follow the bird leader
20. During the winter, cuckoos in the United Kingdom will typically migrate to which continent?
A. Australia
B. Africa
C. South America
21. Which of the following is NOT a reason that woodpeckers use their beaks to hammer into trees?
A. To look for insects to eat
B. To lay their nest and eggs inside the hole
C. To polish their beaks
22. What is the colour of a baby swan when it is born?
A. Grey
B. White
C. Black
23. In a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, which bird delivers new-born babies to their parents, and is a symbol of good luck and happiness?
A. Songbird
B. Stork
C. Gull
24. Which bird, with a branch of olive in its mouth, is a symbol of peace?
A. Dove
B. Starling
C. Albatross
25. Which bird has approximately 6,000 species, which makes up more than 60 per cent of all birds in the world?
A. Shorebirds
B. Songbirds
C. Starlings
26. The bar-tailed godwit is known for having the longest non-stop migration across the Pacific Ocean from where to where?
A. California to Indonesia
B. Mexico to Japan
C. Alaska to Australia
27. What does a male peacock use his colourful features for?
A. To threaten other animals
B. To attract the attention of female peacocks
C. To stay warm during the winter
28. Though parrots are typically brightly coloured, most are dominated by which colour?
A. Green
B. Red
C. Yellow
29. Which is the largest species of bird in the world?
A. Eagle
B. Ostrich
C. Hawk
30. Which bird is known for laying their eggs in the nests of other birds to avoid the hard work of raising chicks?
A. Hedge sparrow
B. Cuckoo
C. Blackbird
31. What is the typical diet of raptors, a group of birds that includes hawks, eagles, falcons, buzzards, or vultures?
A. Carnivorous
B. Herbivorous
C. Omnivorous
32. Why do parent birds have to sit on the eggs until they are ready to hatch?
A. To provide them with sufficient nutrients
B. To keep them warm
C. To product them from other preys
33. Which is the only bird that can recognise itself in a mirror?
A. Great tit
B. Bullfinch
C. Magpie
34. What is the colour of the American robin’s eggs?
A. Blue
B. White
C. Green
35. Which bird is characterised by such a long tail that it has to launch backwards when flying from a branch to prevent the tail from ripping the shreds?
A. Palm cockatoo
B. Quetzal
C. Baya weaver
36. What is the largest seabird in the world?
A. Wandering albatross
B. Puffin
C. Frigatebird
37. Budgerigars are a popular pet breed of which bird?
A. Parrots
B. Canaries
C. Finches
38. The national flag of which country depicts an eagle sitting on a cactus?
A. Canada
B. Brazil
C. Mexico
39. What is the common loon also known as?
A. Great northern flier
B. Great northern diver
C. Great northern hunter
We hope these bird quiz questions and answers provide you with many interesting facts and knowledge about these animals. If you want to learn more, make sure to check out the following bird picture quiz, panda quiz or this weather quiz.