First aid is one of the most important skills that everyone needs to learn. Whether you are camping, enjoying your dinner in a restaurant, or working, medical emergencies can occur at any time. Knowing some basic knowledge can help you save lives and reduce the risk of complications later. Check out these 35 trivia first aid quiz questions and answers to see how much you know.
First Aid Quiz Questions And Answers
1. CPR is an emergency technique that combines artificial ventilation with chest compressions to help people with a cardiac arrest. What does it stand for?
A. Cardiopulmonary Recovery
B. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
C. Cardiopulmonary Revival
2. What is the right sequence for the primary survey, which is the initial assessment and management of trauma patients?
A. Danger – Response – Airway – Breathing
B. Damage – Reply – Artery – Back
C. Danger – Response – Advice – Breathing
3. Which of the following is not the purposes of first aid?
A. To prevent complications
B. To preserve life
C. To protect wounded areas
4. What should you avoid before giving “abdominal thrusts” on a choking person?
A. Leaning the choking person backwards
B. Shouting for help
C. Telling the choking person to cough
5. What would you give to someone who seems to have a heart attack?
A. Massage
C. Aspirin
6. What is the first step to do when you sprain the ankle?
A. Rest with elevated leg
B. Massage the swollen area
C. Apply ice
7. There are many people with serious injuries in a vehicle collision. Who should you give first aid to first?
A. The one with a suspected neck injury
B. The one who is not making any noise
C. The one who is most painful
8. What is the “normal” number of breaths every minute in a healthy adult?
A. 12 to 20
B. 20 to 35
C. 35 to 60
9. How to stop major bleeding effectively?
A. Elevation
B. Direct pressure
C. Medical superglue
10. Who should provide the first aid kit in the workplace?
A. Employers
B. Employees
C. Public health officers
11. A person is confused, has very pale skin, and loses a lot of blood. What would you suspect the cause might be?
A. A shock
B. A stroke
C. A seizure
12. When a kid is gagging and cannot cry out or breath due to some marbles, what should you do first?
A. Carry out chest thrusts and back blows
B. Do rescue breaths and compressions
C. Perform CPR
13. Another person shows up when you perform CPR on a small kid. What should you do next?
A. Keep doing CPR until you are exhausted and switch
B. Transport the child to the nearest hospital
C. Have him or her help you with CPR to avoid exhaustion
14. In which of the following cases should you wrap a person in a wet and cold sheet?
A. A heart attack
B. A heart stroke
C. Fainting
15. What is the normal body temperature in a healthy adult?
A. Around 33 degrees
B. Around 37.5 degrees
C. Around 41.5 degrees
16. During a nosebleed, which position should you keep your head?
A. Head backwards
B. Head level
C. Head forwards
17. When a person faints, which position should you put them to help with recovery?
A. Sit in a chair
B. Lay down with elevated legs
C. Lay flat
18. When performing CPR, how long should we check for breathing?
A. Around 3 seconds
B. Around 6 seconds
C. No more than 10 seconds
19. Where to put the AED pads when you are treating pediatric cardiac arrest in an infant?
A. Mid abdomen and upper chest
B. Back and chest
C. Lower abdomen and back
20. In CPR, what is the right ratio of chest compressions to breaths?
A. 30 to 2
B. 10 to 1
C. 5 to 1
21. When chemicals splashed into the eyes, how long should we flush them with clean water?
A. Around 5 minutes
B. Around 20 minutes
C. Around 60 minutes
22. Which kind of painkiller can help relieve pain and alleviate swelling at the same time?
A. Naproxen
B. Aspirin
C. Ibuprofen
23. Which of the following should not be applied to a sunburn?
A. Petroleum jelly
B. Moisturising lotion
C. Aloe vera gel
24. When an insect gets stuck in your year, what would be poured into the ear to remove the insect?
A. Warm tea
B. Warm olive oil
C. Warm water
25. In addition to a tourniquet, what would be used for treating a catastrophic bleed?
A. A plaster
B. A triangular bandage
C. A haemostatic dressing
26. What is the best way to check a patient’s circulation?
A. To check for noises, breathing, or eye movements
B. To punt the ear
C. To take the pulse
27. A possible brain damage might happen how long after a patient stops breathing?
A. 2 minutes
B. 4 minutes
C. 10 minutes
28. How to recognise a patient with a fractured skull?
A. He or she has a blurred vision
B. He or she has a serious headache
C. Watery blood or clear fluid coming out of the ear or nose
29. What is the main goal when treating a fracture?
A. Immobilise and support the fracture
B. Reduce shock
C. Prevent swelling
30. The last one in this list of first aid quiz questions and answers: which of the following is a purpose of wearing a dressing?
A. To avoid spreading a disease
B. to prevent internal bleeding
C. To reduce the risk of an infection
31. Which test should be done when a stroke is suspected?
A. F.A.S.T test
B. Q.U.I.C.K test
C. R.A.P.I.D test
32. What is the internationally accepted symbol for first aid?
A. A white cross on a red background
B. A white cross on a green background
C. A white cross on a blue background
33. What can be used to help a person breathe during an asthma attack?
A. An inhaler
B. An auto-injector
C. An ice pack
34. What should we do when a person has broken a bone?
A. Keep the injury supported and still
B. Make the person stay still
C. Use a splint to fix the broken bone
35. When you have a burn, what is the first step to do?
A. To cool the burn
B. To clean the burn
C. To cover the burn
We hope you can learn more knowledge after trying these first aid quiz questions and answers. After all, some basic things can save lives! For more trivia questions, try the following measurement quiz or this one about lab safety.
Keith Jones
Thanks this was helpful.
Very helpful, That k you
Freddy Holte
This was the best and most challenging yet. Thank you!
It is helpful
Thank you.
question 34 on a broken bone , surely the answer is A keep the injury supported and still not C use a splint to fix the broken bone ??
Very helpful and thank you
Latoya Williams
These questions was very helpful and open my knowledge more
Novelett Russel
I have learnt alot, I’ve learnt my normal number of breaths per minute, what a shock can do to an individual,when performing CPR we should check for breath no more than 10 seconds,and number 14 answer was typed wrong it should be heat stroke.very informative thanks.
Novelett Russel
Knowledgeable I have learnt alot
Latoya Williams
These questions was very informative and helpful in case and emergency should arise.