Roses are red. Violets are blue. Flowers are beautiful. And so are you. Flowers are great gifts by nature for humans. From ancient times till now, they attract people around the world with pleasant fragrances, vibrant colours, unique shapes, and perfect beauty. Learn more about them with the following 45 trivia flower quiz questions and answers.
Flower Quiz Questions And Answers
1. What is the outermost part of a flower called?
A. Sepal
B. Petal
C. Nectary
2. Saffron, an expensive spice originated from Iran, is derived from which flower?
A. Daffodil
B. Crocus
C. Snowdrop
3. Which of the following flowers can replace onions as a spice in cooking?
A. Lilies
B. Iris
C. Tulips
4. Banana plants are related to which of the following flowers?
A. Poppy
B. Bird of paradise
C. Dahlia
5. The juices of which flower were used to make glue in the past?
A. Bluebell flower
B. Buttercup
C. Rose
6. What is the approximate number of violet species?
A. Around 40 to 50 species
B. Around 400 to 500 species
C. Around 4000 species
7. Magnolias were named after which French botanist?
A. Peter Nolan
B. Pablo Mangolian
C. Pierre Magnol
8. In the Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch poisoned which flower?
A. Rose
B. Poppy
C. Iris
9. Which of the following flowers can survive by getting necessary nutrients from the air rather than soil?
A. Orchid
B. Lavender
C. Daisy
10. What are the male parts of flowers called?
A. Carpels
B. Stamens
C. Ovaries
11. What are the female parts of flowers called?
A. Carpels
B. Stigmas
C. Ovaries
12. What do we call the process in which pollen is transferred by insects to other flowers?
A. Ovulation
B. Pollination
C. Germination
13. Which of the following is a flowering plant?
A. Fir trees
B. Oak trees
C. Seaweed
14. Which of the following flowering plants spread the seeds on water?
A. Water lilies
B. Roses
C. Dandelions
15. What is an annual flowering plant?
A. A plant that can live for more than 2 years
B. A plant that germinates, seeds, flowers, and dies in 1 year
C. A plant that loses all leaves in winter
16. What do the petals of flowers often have bright colours?
A. They contain a lot of pigment elements
B. They help attract insects for the process of pollination
C. They are exposed to different weather conditions
17. Up to two-thirds of all flowering plants live in which climate regions?
A. Tropical areas
B. Temperate areas
C. Polar areas
18. How many types of plant on Earth produce flowers?
A. More than 60 per cent
B. More than 70 per cent
C. More than 80 per cent
19. When do we should plant flower bulbs so that they can bloom in the spring?
A. May or June
B. July or August
C. September or October
20. Which flower is known as the symbol of England?
A. Rose
B. Lily
C. Hibiscus
21. What is the biggest flower species in the world?
A. Amorphophallus
B. Stapelia
C. Rafflesia
22. Which of the following colour does not exist in lilies
A. Yellow
B. Blue
C. White
23. Which of the following flowering plants can be poisonous?
A. Geranium
B. Begonia
C. Oleander
24. In Buddhism, which flower is a symbol of enlightenment
A. Water lily
B. Daisy
C. Sunflower
25. Which of the following scientists work with flowers?
A. Felinologists
B. Florists
C. Pharmacists
26. Daisies and sunflowers belong to which flower family?
A. Composite flowers
B. Complicated flowers
C. Complex flowers
27. Which feature differentiates composite flowers from other species?
A. They contain many complex substances
B. They have complicated structures
C. They consist of many tiny clusters of flowers
28. What are tiny flowers in the centre of the sunflower’s head called?
A. Florets
B. Florists
C. Flores
29. Which of the following plants have umbrella-shaped clusters of flowers?
A. Bear’s breeches
B. Mullein
C. Hogweed
30. The name of which flower means “rainbow” in Greek?
A. Yarrow
B. Iris
C. Hibiscus
31. What is the most important role of flowers in plants?
A. Water transportation
B. Energy production
C. Reproduction
32. What is the sugary liquid produced by flowers that some birds and insects can eat?
A. Nectar
B. Stevia
C. Ichor
33. There was a war in English history named after a flower. What was it?
A. The War of the Violets
B. The War of the Tulips
C. The War of the Roses
34. Which country is often associated with tulips?
A. The Netherlands
B. Belgium
C. Germany
35. How many rose species are there in the world?
A. Around 100
B. Around 300
C. Around 700
36. In addition to bright colours, which feature of flowers can help attract infects for pollination?
A. Shape
B. Scent
C. Size
37. Flower pollen can trigger which health issue in humans?
A. Stendhal syndrome
B. Melanoma
C. Allergies
38. What is the scientific term for flowering plants?
A. Heliotrope
B. Angiosperm
C. Gymnosperm
39. Which of the following flowers often bloom in fall?
A. Chrysanthemums
B. Irises
C. Lilacs
40. Why does the corpse flower have its name?
A. It has a shape like a coffin
B. It has a rotting smell like corpses
C. It is often used in funerals
41. Lotus is seen as the symbol of which religion?
A. Buddhism
B. Judaism
C. Christianity
42. Which of the following popular vegetables is actually a flower?
A. Kale
B. Broccoli
C. Celery
43. Which of the following flowers do not need soil to grow?
A. Lilies
B. Carnations
C. Orchids
44. What is the typical colour of lavenders?
A. Pink
B. Purple
C. Blue
45. Which flower is often used for making tea that helps improve sleep quality?
A. Chamomile
B. Hibiscus
C. Oolong
How many right answers do you have? We hope our trivia quiz was not too easy for you. We also hope this multi-coloured bouquet of flower quiz questions can help you learn more about flowers. If you still want to get more interesting facts and challenging yourself, then check out the following British wildlife pub quiz, easy trivia quiz, or this trivia quiz about bees.