When non British think of the UK, the first things that come to their mind are biscuits, tea, the Queen, and castles. But that is not all that the country can offer. Actually, there is a variety of animals and plants living in temperate, warm, and cold regions. Check out the following 39 trivia quiz questions and answers to see how much you know about the British wildlife.
British Wildlife Quiz Questions And Answers
1. Which of the following edible plants is not related to the seashore?
A. Three-cornered leek
B. Samphire
C. Sea Pea
2. Which of the following animals mostly inhabits on Isle of Mull, Scotland?
A. Turtle dove
B. Small blue butterfly
C. White-tailed eagle
3. Which species in Britain has been saved from extinction next to the nuclear power plants in Kent?
A. Large blue butterfly
B. Great bustard
C. Short-haired bumblebee
4. Which bird species is native to Britain?
A. Swift
B. Wren
C. Cuckoo
5. In the following bird names, which one can be completed with tern?
A. Coal …
B. Marsh …
C. Roseate …
6. There are approximately 1,000 species of bats all over the world. How many of them can be found in the UK?
A. 17 species
B. 170 species
C. 470 species
7. Which is the smallest mammal species in the UK?
A. Pygmy shrew
B. Pipistrelle bat
C. Red deer
8. Which is the largest mammal species in the UK?
A. Roe deer
B. Red deer
C. Fallow deer
9. What are the main differences between grey and red squirrels?
A. Grey squirrels have black fur on the belly
B. Red squirrels are often bigger and have thinner tails
C. Red squirrels are often smaller and have bushier tails
10. Which of the following animals have very poor eyesight
A. Mole
B. Deer
C. Bat
11. Which animals are not a rodent?
A. Grey squirrel
B. Rat
C. Hedgehog
12. How many earthworms can a badger eat per day?
A. Up to 50 earthworms
B. Up to 200 earthworms
C. Up to 500 earthworms
13. What is the home of badger called?
A. A sett
B. A burrow
C. A den
14. What is a female fox also called?
A. A bitch
B. A doe
C. A vixen
15. Which of the following species has velvety fur brushing smoothly in either direction?
A. Mink
B. Mole
C. Deer
16. What is the name for a baby hedgehog?
A. A hoglet
B. A kit
C. A piglet
17. There is a total of 6 deer species in the UK, but only two of them are native. Which one?
A. Reeve’s muntjac and sika deer
B. Fallow deer and roe deer
C. Roe deer and Scottish red deer
18. In addition to the common toads, which toad species can be found in the UK?
A. Oak toad
B. Natterjack toads
C. Red-spotted toad
19. Which tiny rodent features a prehensile tail that would be used as its fifth limb?
A. Field mouse
B. Dormouse
C. Harvest mouse
20. Which species of owl typically has a heart-shaped face?
A. Barn owl
B. Tawny owl
C. Little own
21. A kitten is a baby of which squirrel species?
A. Grey squirrel
B. Red squirrel
C. Black squirrel
22. A skulk is a group of which animals?
A. Otters
B. Mice
C. Foxes
23. Which of the following animals is characterised by its black-tipped tail?
A. Polecat
B. Stoat
C. Weasel
24. What is the typical leg colour of Kingfisher birds?
A. Yellow
B. Orange
C. White
25. Which gland of badgers is responsible for producing a very unpleasant smell?
A. Anal gland
B. Adrenal gland
C. Ductless gland
26. The Atlantic Puffin can be mostly found in the coast of which Welsh island?
A. Atlantic Island
B. Seabird Island
C. Puffin Island
27. What do we call a group of moles?
A. A labour
B. A kinder
C. A school
28. Pine marten belongs to which animal family?
A. Hedgehog family
B. Vole family
C. Weasel family
29. What does the prefix “Manx” in the name Manx Shearwater, a medium-sized seabird species, mean?
A. Isle of Man
B. Isle of White
C. Isle of Sky
30. What do we call the process in which a hedgehog sheds the baby spines for adult ones?
A. Sharpening
B. Spineing
C. Quilling
31. Which of the following is the most common bird of prey in the UK?
A. Buzzard
B. Eagle
C. Falcon
32. What is considered the be the most famous beetle species in the UK?
A. Stag beetles
B. Ladybirds
C. Rosemary beetles
33. Which dolphin species is most commonly found in British waters?
A. Bottlenose dolphins
B. Risso’s dolphins
C. Atlantic white-sided dolphins
34. When did wild wolves become extinct in the UK?
A. In the 16th century
B. In the 18th century
C. In the 20th century
35. What is the most common whale species found in British waters?
A. Fin whales
B. Humpback whales
C. Minke whales
36. Which plant is also known as “May blossom” as it produces white flowers around this month?
A. Hawthorn
B. Wild cherry
C. Carnation
37. Where do puffins typically live?
A. By the sea
B. In the jungles
C. On high mountains
38. Which animal has babies called “cubs”, females called “sows”, and males called “boars”?
A. Weasels
B. Minks
C. Badgers
39. Which dolphin species is most commonly seen around the UK coasts?
A. Bottlenose dolphins
B. Spinner dolphins
C. Striped dolphins
Whether you are a nature or animal lover, these British wildlife quiz questions and answers can help you learn more about local nature, thus making more contribution to scientific research or conservation efforts. If you still want to learn more knowledge, the following Dinosaur trivia quiz, bird quiz, or this Winter quiz can be a good option.