The feet play an important role to help the body stay balanced and upright. More importantly, they serve as shock-absorbers, which support the body weight during daily activities. Check out these 30 trivia foot quiz questions and answers to see how much you know about them.
Foot Quiz Questions And Answers
1. How many bones are there in each foot and ankle?
A. 3
B. 12
C. 26
2. What time of day do our feet have the smallest and truest size?
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. At night
3. Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a special creature purported to live in the forests of North America. It is said to look like which animal?
A. Elephants
B. Apes
C. Bears
4. Which of the following countries is still using foot (ft) as a unit of length?
A. Italy
B. The United States
C. Mexico
5. If one man is 6 feet tall, how high is he in centimetres?
A. 142 centimetres
B. 162 centimetres
C. 182 centimetres
6. Which of the following health conditions affects our feet?
A. Plantar fasciitis
B. Ovarian cyst
C. Sjogren’s syndrome
7. What does it literally mean when we say “Tom puts his foot in his mouth”?
A. Tom is hungry
B. Tom is brave
C. Tom is stupid
8. What is the name of the second toe on the foot, which is in the middle of the big toe and the middle toe?
A. Long toe
B. Ring toe
C. Pinky toe
9. Approximately how many sweat glands are there in each foot?
A. 100 glands
B. 10,000 glands
C. 250,000 glands
10. What do we call the condition in which the big toe is shorter than the second toe?
A. Morton’s toe
B. Greenock’s toe
C. Tyler’s toe
11. What is the name of the soft foot-like part of some mammals, such as tigers, dogs, cats, foxes, and more?
A. Claw
B. Pastern
C. Paw
12. Which of the following animals use their feet to communicate with each other?
A. Zebras
B. Elephants
C. Monkeys
13. The foot can be divided into three parts: the forefoot, the midfoot, and …
A. The postfoot
B. The hindfoot
C. The befoot
14. Which branch of medicine is devoted to the diagnosis, study, as well as surgical and medical treatment of foot disorders?
A. Neonatology
B. Cytology
C. Podiatry
15. In which country are pre-packaged chicken feet, typically seasoned with chilli and rice vinegar, are sold in many supermarkets and grocery stores as a snack?
A. China
B. Japan
C. South Korea
16. Unlike other birds typically with 3 or 4 toes, ostriches are the only bird in the world with how many toes?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 5
17. Which of the following facts is true about the skin on the foot soles?
A. It is the thickest skin on the body
B. It is more susceptible to injuries to other parts of the foot
C. It does not contain any sweat glands
18. Which of the following is the main cause of smelly feet?
A. Dead skin cells get trapped in sweat glands
B. It is a condition caused by hormonal changes
C. Sweat allows odour-causing bacteria to thrive
19. During the Middle Ages, going barefoot was considered to be a sign of what?
A. Impoliteness
B. Poverty
C. Lack of education
20. Which famous film director is known for being attracted to feet and included many shots of bare feet in his previous movies?
A. Quentin Tarantino
B. Steven Spielberg
C. Christopher Nolan
21. In which of the following social situations may a person get “cold feet”?
A. When meeting a close friend after a long time
B. Before a wedding ceremony
C. During a birthday party
22. Which one grows more slowly: toenails or fingernails?
A. Toenails
B. Fingernails
C. They grow roughly at the same speed
23. A deficiency of which vitamin may cause the feeling of cold feet or hands?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B9
C. Vitamin B12
24. Which type of feet do ducks, swans, or geese have, which allow them to swim on the water surface?
A. Flattened feet
B. Webbed feet
C. Spred feet
25. Which phobia term refers to the extreme fear or anxiety when a person is exposed to feet?
A. Feetophobia
B. Podophobia
C. Chirophobia
26. In Greek mythology, which hero was invulnerable in all of the body, except for one heel?
A. Achilles
B. Hercules
C. Prometheus
27. What is the main cause of athlete’s foot, an infection that causes burning and itching rash between the toes?
A. Bacteria
B. Fungi
C. Virus
28. How old is the oldest known well-preserved shoe, which was founded in Armenia in 2008?
A. Around 1,000 years old
B. Around 5,500 years old
C. Around 10,000 years old
29. In which country was there a custom called foot binding in which the feet of young girls are broken and tightly bound to change the size and shape?
A. Nepal
B. India
C. China
30. Footvolley is the version of beach volleyball in which players only touch the ball with their feet. In which country was this sport invented?
A. Brazil
B. England
C. Canada
What do you think about these foot quiz questions and answers? We hope you have learned many interesting facts about this important part of the body. For more challenges on the same topic, check out the following yoga quiz.