Since its debut more than two decades ago, Friends has changed the face of American sitcoms forever. Today, it is still one of the most-watched TV shows with thousands of fans all over the world. If you love this amazing series and want to see how much you know about it, check out the following 45 trivia Friends quiz questions and answers.
Friends Quiz Questions And Answers
1. How many seasons are there in the Friends TV series?
A. 7
B. 10
C. 15
2. What was Friends originally called by the co-creators in the first seven-page pitch?
A. “Across the Hall”
B. “Friends Like Us”
C. “Insomnia Café”
3. The series is about the lives of a group of friends living in which U.S city?
A. San Francisco
B. Chicago
C. New York City
4. In which year was the first episode of Friends aired?
A. 1990
B. 1994
C. 1998
5. Phoebe can play which musical instrument?
A. Guitar
B. Piano
C. Flute
6. Where were Emily and Ross supposed to go for the honeymoon?
A. Paris
B. Venice
C. Athens
7. Who in the group are siblings?
A. Monica and Phoebe
B. Joey and Rachel
C. Ross and Monica
8. What is the name of Phoebe’s twin sister?
A. Anne
B. Ursula
C. Carol
9. What is the profession of Monica Geller?
A. A waitress
B. A chef
C. An accountant
10. What is the catchphrase of Joey?
A. How you doing?
B. What’s up?
C. Hey there!
11. Rachel becomes an assistant buyer in season 3 at which department store?
A. Walmart
B. Costco
C. Bloomingdales
12. Monica decided to become a chef because Chandler praised which dish during their first meeting on the 1987 Thanksgiving?
A. Cheese and macaroni
B. Cheese and pizza
C. Cheese and tortilla omelette
13. Rachel runs away from her wedding in the first episode. Who was she going to marry?
A. Terry
B. John
C. Barry
14. Inspired by the mother of Chandler, Rachel starts to write an erotic novel. What is the name of the novel?
A. “A story of love”
B. “Life of a married woman”
C. “A woman undone”
15. Monica, Rachel, and Ross come from which U.S state?
A. New York
B. Illinois
C. Maine
16. The Friends often hang out in which coffee house?
A. Central Perk
B. Starbucks
C. Lonely Stars
17. What does Joey do for a living?
A. An engineer
B. A musician
C. An actor
18. Which TV show do Chandler and Joey love watching together?
A. Press Your Luck
B. The Price Is Right
C. Baywatch
19. After moving in together, Phoebe decides to break up with Gary for which reason?
A. He lies to her
B. He shoots a bird
C. He always snores
20. Rachel admits that she had plastic surgery before in which body part?
A. Breast
B. Cheek
C. Nose
21. Chandler and Joey have a chick and another pet. What is it?
A. A dog
B. A cat
C. A duck
22. On Rachel’s birthday, which present does Ross give her?
A. A brooch
B. Flowers
C. A ring
23. In which city do Monica and Chandler spend the night together for the first time?
A. In Central Perk
B. In London
C. In Chandler’s flat
24. Who used to be homeless?
A. Joey
B. Monica
C. Phoebe
25. During the whole series, how many times does Ross fail in his marriages?
A. 1 time
B. 2 times
C. 3 times
26. Janice does not appear in person in which season?
A. Season 2
B. Season 4
C. Season 6
27. Apart from the main 6 members, who is the most featured character in the entire series?
A. Gunther
B. Janice
C. Gary
28. Which character says the final line in the series?
A. Joey
B. Monica
C. Chandler
29. What does every character do in the series finale?
A. Send emails to each other
B. Put the keys on the counter
C. Have a coffee in the Central Perk
30. What is the initial flat number of Joey and Chandler?
A. Number 5
B. Number 15
C. Number 25
31. From season 5, Rachel becomes the executive of which fashion brand?
A. Victoria Secret
B. H&M
C. Ralph Lauren
32. Chandler makes up which game to give money to Joey?
A. Cups
B. Coin flipping
C. Yahtzee
33. When Ross is a keynote speaker at a conference, where do friends travel to?
A. Miami
B. Barbados
C. Houston
34. What is the most favourite food of Joey?
A. Ice cream
B. Hamburgers
C. Sandwiches
35. Which of the following song by Phoebe is made into a music video?
A. Smelly Cat
B. Shower Song
C. Your Love
36. To convince Ugly Naked Guy to sell his flat, what does Ross send to him?
A. Mini muffins
B. Potatoes
C. Pancakes
37. When Ross breaks up with her, what does Elizabeth do?
A. Slap on his face
B. Stay silent
C. Throw a water balloon at him
38. What is the neighbour living below Rachel and Monica called?
A. Mr. Tuples
B. Mr. Heckles
C. Mr. Taples
39. Rachel sends a letter to Ross to explain for their break-up. How many pages is it?
A. 3 pages
B. 9 pages
C. 18 pages
40. What is the name of the Friends theme song?
A. “I’ll be there for you”
B. “We’ll always be together”
C. “Good friends, forever!”
41. Friends was aired on which TV network?
42. Where was the series filmed?
A. New York
B. Virginia
C. California
43. Where do Ross and Rachel go on the first date?
A. A museum
B. A zoo
C. A pub
44. Which of the following is a sequel to Friends?
A. Ross
B. Joey
C. Lisa
45. Which pets do Joey and Chandler own?
A. A duck and a chicken
B. A cat and a dog
C. A pig and a parrot
If you are a true fan, these Friends quiz questions and answers can be very simple. They can be a great way to start a movie night with your close friends or family. If you want more interesting facts and challenges, check out the following James Bond trivia quiz or this TV soap quiz.
Khushi Jangra