Hanukkah is an important religious festival with a long history. Check out the following 30 trivia Hanukkah quiz questions and answers to see how much you know and learn more about it.
Hanukkah Quiz Questions And Answers
1. The Hanukkah is an important festival in which religion?
A. Hinduism
B. Islam
C. Judaism
2. What is the Hanukkah also known as?
A. The Festival of Lights
B. The Festival of Gods
C. The Festival of Souls
3. How many days in total do the Jews celebrate the Hanukkah?
A. 3
B. 8
C. 14
4. What does the word “Hanukkah” mean in Hebrew?
A. Candles
B. Sacrifice
C. Dedication
5. When did the Hanukkah festival begin in 2021?
A. 28 July
B. 28 November
C. 28 March
6. Along with oil, which food is traditionally associated with the miracle of Hanukkah?
A. Dairy
B. Tomatoes
C. Ice cream
7. When did the Jews first start celebrating the Hanukkah?
A. 2nd BCE
B. 3rd century
C. 10th century
8. What is the best type of oil to use for celebrating the Hanukkah?
A. Coconut oil
B. Palm oil
C. Olive oil
9. Why do the Jews eat fried meals in the Hanukkah?
A. Because it is simpler to prepare for the whole family
B. To celebrate miracle oil that burns for 8 nights
C. Because fried foods were eaten in the original celebration
10. How many blessings do we have to say on the first night of the Hanukkah?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
11. When did the Hanukkah take place?
A. During the Second Temple era
B. During the era of the prophets
C. In the second Talmudic epoch
12. How many candles should be lighted in total during the Hanukkah?
A. 8
B. 44
C. 100
13. Which of the following is NOT the preferred arrangements of the candles on a menorah?
A. All candles should be at the same height
B. All candles should be in a straight light
C. All candles should be at least 5 cm apart
14. Which of the following foods is a traditional treat in the Hanukkah?
A. Carrots tzimmes
B. Noodle kugel
C. Jelly doughnuts
15. What can people do with a “dreidel” during the Hanukkah?
A. Play with it
B. Eat it
C. Pray with it
16. What is the most important observance during the Hanukkah?
A. To pray with the family
B. To light the candles
C. To play dreidels
17. How long should the candles be lighted during the Hanukkah?
A. Two hours
B. At least 30 minutes after the night has fallen
C. Until the last member of the family fall asleep
18. What is the main purpose of Hanukkah?
A. To mark the beginning of the Jewish New Year
B. To commemorate the miraculous victory against the Syrian-Greek army
C. To honour the eternal Supreme Being
19. What is the right direction to insert candles into the menorah?
A. No specific order
B. From right to left
C. From left to right
20. What is the right way to light the candles in the Hanukkah?
A. No specific order
B. From right to left
C. From left to right
21. What are inscribed on four sides of a dreidel?
A. Hebrew letters
B. Jewish gods
C. Animals
22. According to the Talmud, how many gifts should people give on the Hanukkah?
A. 1 gift per night
B. At least 1 to each family member
C. No gifts are mandated
23. According to I Maccabees, who established the celebration of Hanukkah?
A. Simon Thassi
B. Judas Maccabeus
C. Antiochus IV Epiphanes
24. The Hanukkah takes place during which Hebrew month?
A. Adar
B. Tammuz
C. Kislev
25. During the Hanukkah in modern-day Israel, runners should carry burning torches from Modi’in through the streets until they arrive at which destination?
A. The Western Wall
B. Dome of the Rock
C. Temple Mount
26. Where is the best place to light the candles during the Hanukkah?
A. In the front window
B. On the kitchen table
C. Outside the front door
27. Latkes are the staple food during the Hanukkah. What is the main ingredient of this dish?
A. Fish
B. Potatoes
C. Pork
28. What do children often receive as gifts during the Hanukkah?
A. Small toys
B. Small chocolate coins
C. New clothes
29. Which of the following songs is not written on Hanukkah themes?
A. Ocho Kandelikas
B. Ma’oz Tzur
C. Im Hashem Lo Yivneh Bayis
30. Which of the following features has been recently added to the celebration of Hanukkah?
A. Hanukkah bushes
B. Hanukkah movies
C. Hanukkah speeches
What do you think about these Hanukkah quiz questions and answers? We hope you learn some interesting facts about this special event. For more challenges on the same topic, check out the following St Patrick’s Day quiz, Holocaust trivia quiz, or this quiz about Diwali.