The Vikings are popular in the media and mainstream movies as flaxen-haired, robust warriors who invaded and plundered many European regions in wooden battleships. But do you know that they are also a distinctive group of people with many unique cultural traits? Check out the following 33 trivia Viking quiz questions and answers to see how much you know about them.
Viking Quiz Questions And Answers
1. From which area in the world did the Vikings come from?
A. North Africa
B. North Europe
C. North America
2. Which historical period is typically referred to as the Viking Age?
A. Around 100 to 700
B. Around 800 to 1100
C. Around 1200 to 1500
3. The first known Viking raid took place in 793 when they attacked a monastery in which modern-day country?
A. France
B. Spain
C. England
4. The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach which continent around the year 1000?
A. North America
B. South America
C. Australia
5. Which of the following was used for money by the Vikings?
A. Wool
B. Pieces of jewellery
C. Shells
6. Which of the following surnames would have been a Viking one?
A. Becker
B. Windsor
C. Eriksson
7. Viking warriors are often depicted in the media with which type of helmet?
A. Horned helmets
B. Archetypal helmets
C. Crested helmets
8. What is special about runes, which were letters that made up the Viking alphabet?
A. They consisted of straight lines
B. Only elite Viking warriors were allowed to use them
C. There were up to 30 runes
9. Which of the following European cities was founded by the Vikings?
A. Southampton, England
B. Belfast, Northern Ireland
C. Dublin, Ireland
10. Mead is the most well-known Viking beverage. This alcoholic beer-like drink is made by fermenting which ingredient with water?
A. Barley
B. Honey
C. Corn
11. How many rooms were there in a typical house of the Vikings?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 10
12. Who is the supreme god worshipped by the Vikings?
A. Thor
B. Odin
C. Loki
13. Thor was the god of war and fertility worshipped by most Vikings. Which weapon did he use to create lightning and thunder?
A. A trident
B. An axe
C. A hammer
14. When did most of the Viking lands convert to Christianity?
A. Around the 11th century
B. Around the 13th century
C. Around the 15th century
15. The richest nobles in the Viking Age were buried in what?
A. Gold armours
B. Longships
C. Marble coffins
16. According to Norse mythology, what is Valhalla?
A. The Viking home
B. The Viking tribe
C. The Viking heaven
17. The Vikings came from the following modern-day countries, EXCEPT …
A. Norway
B. Finland
C. Sweden
18. Which of the following objects was the Viking symbol of responsibility?
A. Key
B. Sword
C. Ship
19. What was the main advantage when the Vikings used their narrow longships?
A. They could sail in deepwater areas
B. They were light and shallow to carry
C. They were sturdy and huge
20. Which species of bird was depicted on the flags of the Vikings?
A. Seagull
B. Eagle
C. Raven
21. Why did the Vikings have ravens on their flags?
A. Because ravens were a typical bird of Northern Europe
B. Because ravens would find new lands
C. Because their enemies were scare of ravens
22. Why did people in England call the Vikings by the word “barbarians”?
A. Because they were not Christian
B. Because they wore horn helmets
C. Because they attacked religious monasteries
23. Led by Ingolfur Arnarson, the Vikings settled on which island in 874?
A. Ireland
B. Iceland
C. Greenland
24. What was the only kingdom of Anglo-Saxon in England that remained independent of Viking occupation?
A. Wessex
B. East Anglia
C. Northumbria
25. Which of the following attributes was the most important one for Viking warriors?
A. To stay humble
B. To be loyal
C. To be remembered for great deeds
26. In the early ages, the Viking society was divided into how many classes?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
27. What was the name of the language spoken by the Vikings?
A. Old English
B. Old Norse
C. Old Swedish
28. What was the main precious metal used by the Vikings?
A. Bronze
B. Silver
C. Gold
29. In Viking households, people often used soapstone for cooking and what?
A. Lamps
B. Doorstops
C. Scraping laundry
30. Which Nordic country still has the patronymics practices in which children are named after their father plus the suffix “dottir” or “son”?
A. Iceland
B. Norway
C. Denmark
31. According to the ancient religion, the Vikings had to pay special homage to gods every … years.
A. 2
B. 5
C. 9
32. Which modern-day region in North America was named Vinland by the Vikings?
A. Newfoundland
B. The Bahamas
C. Panama
33. Which hair colour was thought to be fashionable by the Vikings?
A. Red
B. Blonde
C. Dark
What do you think about these Viking quiz questions and answers? We hope you have learned many new things and interesting facts about these fierce warriors from Scandinavia. For more challenges, check out the following pirates quiz, or this trivia quiz about various kings and queens.
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