Set in the far-flung future on a fictional planet, Dune is a widely popular work that explores environmentalism, hero-worship, as well as the mingling of politics with religion. Whether you are a big fan of the novel or enjoy the recently published movie, check out the following 33 trivia Dune quiz questions and answers to see how much you know.
Dune Quiz Questions And Answers
1. Who is the author of the book “Dune”?
A. Louis Aragon
B. Frank Herbert
C. J. R. R. Tolkien
2. Who is the primary protagonist in Dune?
A. Duke Leto
B. Shaddam Corrino IV
C. Paul Atreides
3. What year is the story set in?
A. 3051
B. 8743
C. 10191
4. What is the other name of the planet Dune?
A. Arrakis
B. Kaitain
C. Caladan
5. Which kind of planet is the planet Arrakis?
A. A desert planet
B. An ocean planet
C. A mountain planet
6. Because it never rains on the planet Arrakis, what do most of the native birds drink?
A. Oil
B. Blood
C. Urine
7. What is the relationship between Jessica and Duke Leto?
A. Jessica is his concubine
B. She is his daughter
C. She is his sister
8. Why did Bene Gesserit plan the breeding program?
A. To create a child for the royal power
B. To create a hybrid between human and sandworm
C. To create a super-being called the Kwisatz Haderach
9. At the end of the book, which seat of power does Paul take?
A. God
B. Emperor
C. Warrior
10. Which of the following characters betrays Duke Leto?
A. Duncan Idaho
B. Dr. Wellington Yueh
C. The Shadout Mapes
11. In Dune, each house fights with each other to gain control over which valuable resource, which can power interstellar travel?
A. Spice Melange
B. Dark Metal
C. Space Titanium
12. Early in the novel, which of the following weapons almost kills Paul?
A. A crysknife
B. A stone crusher
C. A hunter-seeker
13. How can the Fremen of Arrakis ride giant sandworms?
A. With parasails
B. With maker hooks
C. With hypnosis
14. What can happen if you consume an excessive amount of the spice melange?
A. It may reduce your sense of taste
B. It may make you high
C. It may turn your eyes blue
15. What is a muad’dib?
A. A type of plant in the ocean
B. A vehicle
C. A species of mouse in the desert
16. In which country was the 2021 movie Dune filmed to create the ocean planet Caladan?
A. Norway
B. Jordan
C. Madagascar
17. What is the colour of the Koranjiyana Zenchristian Scriptures, one of the most important religious texts in the galaxy?
A. Black
B. Yellow
C. Orange
18. Which history battle forever divided House Harkonnen and House Atreides?
A. Battle of Rossak
B. Battle of Corrin
C. Battle of the Bulge
19. Which animal is the symbol of House Harkonnen?
A. Griffin
B. Unicorn
C. Dragon
20. Which physical feature identifies a human computer, also known as Mentat?
A. Red-stained lips
B. Bright orange hair
C. Green eyes
21. What does the word “Sietch” mean in the Fremen term?
A. A party
B. A village
C. A forest
22. Who is the younger sister of Paul Atreides?
A. Alia Atreides
B. Alodin Atreides
C. Aluari Atreides
23. Which of the following sensations does Paul Atreides NOT feel when he puts his hand into “the box”?
A. Cold
B. Prickling
C. Painful
24. Once a crysknife is drawn, it may not be resheathed again until …
A. It had drawn blood
B. It had been cleaned properly
C. It had been blessed with a pray
25. What is the name of the moisture-capturing, full-body suits worn by the Fremen?
A. Fedaykin
B. Stillsuits
C. Gom jabbars
26. Which of the following is NOT among the Great Houses of the Landsraad?
A. House Atreides
B. House Acheans
C. House Corrinos
27. What is the last requirement for Paul Atreides before he may become a full Fremen?
A. To kill a Harkonnen
B. To use a thumper
C. To ride a sandworm
28. What happens to the body of a Fremen after their death?
A. It is rendered down for the water
B. It is left for the sandworms
C. It is buried in a sacred cave
29. What is the Duke’s cause of death?
A. Assassination
B. Heart attack
C. Poisonous gas
30. Why do the Fremen like Paul and Jessica?
A. Because they can speak their language
B. Because they have special abilities
C. Because they have healing powers
31. What is the new position of Duke on the planet Arrakis?
A. A policeman
B. A governor
C. A judge
32. Complete the following saying by the Fremen: “God created Arrakis to …”
A. Train the faithful
B. Save the universe
C. Protect the spice
33. What is the universal language in the Dune universe?
A. Galach
B. Ghola
C. Gom jabbar
Have you watched the movie? Do you like it? We hope you can learn more interesting facts about these Dune quiz questions and answers. For more challenges on the same topic, check out the following Star Wars quiz.