Starting with a franchise in the 1970s, Star Wars quickly became one of the most popular blockbusters of all time with its mesmerizing and innovative world. Have you watched these films … twice? Then try these trivia Star Wars quiz questions and answers can be a great chance to see how much you remember about the series.
Star Wars Quiz Questions and Answers
1. Which leading man rejects the role of Han Solo?
A. Mel Gibson
B. Al Pacino
C. Dustin Hoffman
2. Which character has the damaged mask of Darth Vader in “The Force Awakens”?
A. Finn
B. Rey
C. Kylo Ren
3. What is the name of Chewbacca’s father?
A. Itchy
B. Scratchy
C. Harry
4. Which group invented the Death Star, the most powerful weapon in the universe?
A. Rebel Alliance
B. Galactic Empire
C. Ewoks
5. What is the main job of R2-D2?
A. Fighter pilot
B. Mechanic
C. Nurse
6. In what year the original Star Wars film was first released?
A. 1977
B. 1987
C. 1997
7. What is the strongest Jedi called?
A. Sith Lords
B. Jedi Masters
C. Jedi Kings
8. In Star Wars, which role did actress Carrie Fisher play?
A. Princess Leia
B. Darth Vader
C. Han Solo
9. How many languages can C-3PO speak?
A. 400
B. 5000
C. 6 million
10. Who is the creator of the Star Wars series?
A. George Lucas
B. Steven Spielberg
C. Robin Williams
11. Which character in Star Wars says “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi”?
A. Luke Skywalker
B. Chewbacca
C. Princess Leia
12. What is the space station of the Empire called?
A. The Millennium Falcon
B. The Death Star
C. The Red Planet
13. Who leads the Galactic Empire?
A. Luke Skywalker
B. Han Solo
C. Darth Vader
14. Which weapon is used by the Jedi Knights?
A. Tricorder
B. Pressure Cooker
C. Lightsaber
15. Which creature does Chewbacca belong to?
A. Human
B. Wookiee
C. Droid
16. Which character in Star Wars is a smuggler?
A. Han Solo
B. Luke Skywalker
C. Obi-Wan Kenobi
17. Luke Skywalker was raised on which planet?
A. Hoth
B. Alderaan
C. Tatooine
18. Who is the mentor of Luke Skywalker?
A. Obi-Wan Kenobi
B. Anakin Skywalker
C. Darth Sidious
19. Before being captured, what did Princess Leia send off with R2-D2?
A. Anakin’s lightsaber
B. Blueprints
C. A superweapon
20. In the “Star Wars” series, there are … Dead Stars.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 7
21. What is the uninhabited and remote planet destroyed by the Death Star?
A. Despayre
B. Alderaan
C. Tatooine
22. In which batter does the rebel Alliance destroy the Death Star?
A. The Yavin Battle
B. The Utapau Battle
C. The Geonosis Battle
23. Which race devises the bowcaster?
A. Ewoks
B. Lorrdians
C. Wookies
24. What ship does Han Solo fly?
A. Star Destroyer
B. Millennium Falcon
C. TIE Fighter
25. What is the title of Darth Sidious?
A. Sith King
B. Jedi Master
C. Sith Lord
26. Which group fights against the Galactic Empire?
A. First Rebel Force
B. Rebel Alliance
C. Opposition Alliance Force
27. Where do Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker have the first duel?
A. Galactic City
B. Lars Homestead
C. Cloud City
28. What does Darth Vader ask Luke Skywalker to do?
A. Hide
B. Join the dark force
C. Execute Obi-Wan Kenobi
29. What is the name of the last film of the first trilogy?
A. The Return of the Jedi
B. The Last Jedi
C. A New Hope
30. What color is used by the Sith to make their blades?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Green
31. What was the original name of the Star Wars series?
A. Star Battles
B. Adventures of Luke Starkiller
C. Battles in Space
32. Which nickname called by Han Solo that drives Luke Skywalker crazy?
A. Buckaroo
B. Kid
C. Skydancer
33. Who is known as “the Chosen One”?
A. Luke Skywalker
B. Obi-Wan Kenobi
C. Anakin Skywalker
34. What did C-3PO wear before it gets a shiny metallic exterior?
A. Plastic skin
B. Steel armor
C. Nothing
35. What colors does the droid BB-8 have?
A. Blue and white
B. Red and white
C. Orange and white
36. Which character in Star Wars says “Hope”?
A. Princess Leia
B. Han Solo
C. Luke Skywalker
37. In Star Wars, … is one of the most commonly used weapons in the universe?
A. Blasters
B. Phasers
C. Pistols
38. The Great Schism creates which distinct group?
A. The Ewoks
B. The Sith Lords
C. The Rebel Alliance
39. In 1977, Star Wars dethroned which film as the all-time box-office champion?
A. Jaws
B. E.T
C. Titanic
40. What is the saying at the beginning of every “Star Wars” episode?
A. “A long, long time ago, in a faraway galaxy”
B. “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”
C. “A long time ago, in a faraway galaxy”
41. What is the cause of Yoda’s death?
A. Old age
B. Darth Vader shoots him
C. Boba Fett kills him
Are you a true fan of Star Wars? Let us know in the comment section below. If you want more interesting questions, then try the following quiz on movies, or this trivia Pokemon quiz.
Guy KIng
Interesting quiz. Thanks very much. I got 36 but should have done better!