“When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die.” Well, you don’t die even if you fail, so no pressure. But what should pressure you is this: how much do you really know about the iconic novel franchise and its hit TV adaptation? Take these 41 trivia Game of Thrones Quiz Questions and Answers to find out.
Game of Thrones Quiz Questions and Answers
1. Where do most of the events in Game of Thrones take place?
A. Northeros
B. Easteros
C. Westeros
2. Who shot the burning arrow that sunk Lord Hoster Tully’s ship at his funeral?
A. Brynden Tully
B. Edmure Tully
C. Catelyn Tully
3. For how many kings did Lord Tywin Lannister serve as Hand?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 0
4. “A crow gone bad. A man gone mad. A people so had. A North so sad.” Who said these lines?
A. Mance Rayder
B. Jon Snow
C. Bran Stark
5. Which of these was The King Who Knelt?
A. Torrhen Stark
B. Mikken Stark
C. Eddard Stark
6. What does Varys usually say is his goal?
A. To serve the realm
B. To avenge the Targaryens
C. To survive
7. Patchface came from which of the Free Cities?
A. Valyria
B. Lorath
C. Volantis
8. How many knights were in Robert’s Kingsguard?
A. 7
B. 9
C. 8
9. House Tyrell’s castle is called…
A. Harrenhal
B. The Shadow Tower
C. Highgarden
10. Once Robert died, who became the king and protector of Westeros?
A. Renly Baratheon
B. Stannis Baratheon
C. Joffrey Baratheon
11. Where did Lyanna die?
A. The Tower of Joy
B. Winterfell
C. The Shadow Tower
12. Who is the second-youngest person in the Stark family?
A. Arya
B. Bran
C. Rickon
13. Who founded House Stark?
A. Torrhen Stark
B. Brandon Stark
C. Eddard Stark
14. When the series began, the king of Westeros was…
A. Eddard Stark
B. Robert Baratheon
C. Aerys II Targaryen
15. The president is to vice president as king of the realm is to…
A. hand of the king
B. vice president
C. flower
16. The destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor directly caused which two deaths?
A. Margaery Tyrell and Tommen Baratheon
B. Margaery Tyrell and Lancel Lannister
C. Margaery Tyrell and Sansa Stark
17. Who does Daenerys name as her bloodriders?
A. Aggo, Jhogo, and Rakharo
B. Quaro, Kotho, and Daego
C. Cohollo, Pello, and Gartho
18. In the first episode, King Robert Baratheon says, “In my dreams, I kill him every night.” Who is he referring to?
A. Rhaegar Targaryen
B. Aerys Targaryen
C. Balon Greyjoy
19. Which house has the sigil of a silver trout?
A. House Targaryen
B. House Stark
C. House Tully
20. Why was Lord Eddard Stark, one of season 1’s main protagonists, executed?
A. challenging Joffrey’s right as king
B. responsibility for Robert’s death
C. plotted to kill Cersei
21. Who must an Unsullied kill to complete their training?
A. A newborn slave child
B. A random citizen of Astapor
C. Another Unsullied
22. Who created the first White Walker?
A. The Children of the Forest
B. The Night’s Watch
C. The First Men
23. How old was Sansa Stark in the beginning of the first book, “A Game of Thrones?”
A. 11
B. 15
C. 13
24. In which part of Westeros can you find The Dreadfort?
A. The North
B. The Riverlands
C. The Stormlands
25. What is the main religion of the Seven Kingdoms?
A. Drowned God
B. Faith of the Seven
C. Old Gods of the Forest
26. Whose look does Brienne of Tarth notice on the wraith that killed Renly Baratheon in his camp?
A. Melisandre of Asshai’s
B. Stannis Baratheon’s
C. Catelyn Stark’s
27. Which of these is NOT located in Westeros?
A. Pentos
B. Harrenhal
C. Sunspear
28. Who forged Arya’s sword, Needle?
A. Donal Noye
B. Mikken
C. Tobho Mott
29. The Seven Pointed Star is a symbol connected to which religion?
A. The Faith of the Seven
B. The Old Gods of the Forest
C. The Lord of Light
30. House Targaryen originally came from…
A. Westeros
B. Essos
C. Valyria
31. During the battle between Prince Oberyn Martell and The Mountain, whose name is he shouting?
A. Elia
B. Ellaria
C. Lyanna
32. Which part of Westeros is home to The Water Gardens?
A. The Vale
B. Dorne
C. King’s Landing
33. Which name is given to the people who live beyond The Wall?
A. Wildling
B. Crannogmen
C. Snowmen
34. Jon’s direwolf is named what?
A. Grey Wind
B. Nymeria
C. Ghost
35. Lord Eddard Stark was known for being both Hand of the King and…
A. Warden of the North
B. Knight of the Vale
C. Commander of the Night’s Watch
36. Which language is commonly spoken in the Game of Thrones?
A. Valyrian
B. Old English
C. Norse
37. Which of the following is a prequel series to Game of Thrones?
A. House of the King
B. House of the Dragon
C. House of the Sea
38. Game of Thrones were produced by which TV network?
A. Netflix
39. The TV series was adapted from which novel series?
A. A Song of Ice and Fire
B. A Legend of Dragons and Kings
C. A Story of Seven Kingdoms
40. Most scenes for King’s Landing were shot in which country?
A. Spain
B. Croatia
C. Malta
41. The TV series Game of Thrones lasts for how many seasons?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
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