Are you planning for the next party or family gathering? Are you bored and don’t know what to do? Let’s take a look at the following 36 quiz questions and answers beginning with H to challenge yourself and others.
Quiz Questions And Answers Beginning With H
1. How to say “hello” in Spanish?
A. Hallo
B. Hola
C. Hei
2. What is the name of the main airport in London?
A. Heathrow Airport
B. Hendon Airport
C. Hamilton Airport
3. Which city is the capital of Finland?
A. Hanoi
B. Hamburg
C. Helsinki
4. What is the name of Harry Potter’s owl in the series of the same name?
A. Hagrid
B. Hobbit
C. Hedwig
5. In Greek mythology, which divine hero is famous for his strength and far-ranging adventures, especially the “Twelve Labours”?
A. Hades
B. Hercules
C. Hermes
6. HP is one of the largest computer manufacturers in the world. What does the name stand for?
A. Hewlett-Packard
B. Henry-Parker
C. Harrison-Phillip
7. Which bird species has special wings that allow them to fly upside-down, backward, and forward?
A. Hummingbirds
B. Hawfinches
C. House sparrows
8. The letter “H” represents which chemical element in the periodic table?
A. Helium
B. Hydrogen
C. Heligen
9. Which English king became the first monarch of the House of Tudor in 1495?
A. Henry III
B. Henry V
C. Henry VII
10. Which popular food consists of a steamed or grilled sausage in the split of a sliced bun?
A. Hamburger
B. Hot dog
C. Ham
11. Who is the founder of the American men’s lifestyle and entertainment magazine in 1953?
A. Henry Hamilton
B. Heath Hayes
C. Hugh Hefner
12. In which country can you eat goulash, a stew or soup of veggies and meat seasoned with spices?
A. Haiti
B. Honduras
C. Hungary
13. The following lyrics come from which song by the Script: “Yeah, you can be the greatest, you can be the best”?
A. Hall of Fame
B. Hall of Angels
C. Halfway to Paradise
14. Robin, Lily, Marshall, Barney, and Ted are the main characters in which popular TV series?
A. Hannah Montana
B. How I Met Your Mother
C. House of Cards
15. What is the most popular religion in India?
A. Hajism
B. Hinduism
C. Haramism
16. What is the name of the pilgrimage to Mecca (Saudi Arabia) that every adult Muslim is supposed to have at least once in their lifetime?
A. Haba
B. Hakim
C. Haji
17. According to the International System of Units, what is the measurement unit of frequency?
A. Hertz
B. Henry
C. Hexa
18. What is the last state to join the United States in 1959?
A. Hampshire
B. Hawaii
C. Hamilton
19. Which pleasant-smelling flower originated from the Middle East and Turkey and is in the same family as asparagus?
A. Hyacinth
B. Honeysuckle
C. Heather
20. Originated from Siberia, which dog breed is characterised by a dense and double coat in different colours, such as white, grey, black, and tan?
A. Husky
B. Hokkaido
C. Havanese
21. Which part can still work even when it is disconnected from the body?
A. Heart
B. Head
C. Hand
22. What is the name of a form of short poetry from Japan?
A. Haika
B. Haike
C. Haiku
23. What is the name of the ceremonial dance in Maori culture that New Zealand sports teams often perform before their international matches?
A. Haka
B. Haki
C. Hake
24. The melody of the “Deutschlandlied”, the national anthem of Germany, was written by which famous composer?
A. Handel
B. Haydn
C. Herrmann
25. What was the first city in Japan to be attacked by the atomic bomb from the United States in August 1945?
A. Hitachi
B. Hiroshima
C. Hokkaido
26. Which of the following terms refers to the fear of blood?
A. Heliophobia
B. Haphephobia
C. Hemophobia
27. What is the name of the formal writing system used in Ancient Egypt?
A. Hieroglyphs
B. Hierographs
C. Hierogrids
28. Which American comedy movie, starring Macaulay Culkin, is considered one of the best Christmas movies?
A. Home Alone
B. House of Happiness
C. House Party
29. What is the most common sexually transmitted infection?
30. In which of the following Asian cities do people speak Cantonese?
A. Hanoi
B. Hong Kong
C. Hyderabad
31. In geometry, which term refers to a six-sided polygon?
A. Hendecagon
B. Heptagon
C. Hexagon
32. What is the official language in Israel?
A. Hindi
B. Hokkien
C. Hebrew
33. What is the second-largest city in Germany, after the capital of Berlin?
A. Hannover
B. Hamburg
C. Halle
34. Founded in 1636, what is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States?
A. Harvard University
B. Humphreys University
C. Huntington University
35. Which of the following is a common Chinese family name?
A. Hoang
B. Huang
C. Hiueng
36. Which of the following footballers currently plays for Tottenham Hotspur?
A. Harry Kane
B. Harry Maguire
C. Henrikh Mkhitaryan
What do you think about these quiz questions and answers beginning with H? We hope you learn some interesting facts and enjoy your time. For more challenges on the same topic, check out the following A to Z quiz or this quiz with answers starting with A.