Be honest! Can you remember how many letters there are in the English alphabet? If not, then the number is 26. Check out the following 31 trivia A to Z quiz questions and answers to learn more about them. Each question will cover a subject starting with different letters. Read on for some interesting trivia facts.
General A to Z Quiz Questions And Answers
1. Which AREA officially became a state of the U.S. on 3rd January 1959?
A. Alaska
B. Hawaii
C. New Mexico
2. When is celebrated as the official BIRTHDAY of the United States of America?
A. June 4
B. July 4
C. August 4
3. Which CHAPTER is the preantepenultimate in a book with 10 chapters?
A. The 5th chapter
B. The 7th chapter
C. The 9th chapter
4. What was the first ever registered DOMAIN on the internet in 1985?
5. Which chemical ELEMENT has the highest melting point?
A. Tungsten – W
B. Titanium – Ti
C. Platinum – Pt
6. What do we call the irrational FEAR or hatred of people from foreign countries or regions?
A. Acephobia
B. Aporophibia
C. Xenophobia
7. Which GLAND in the human body is responsible for the production of tears?
A. Thyroid gland
B. Lacrimal gland
C. Pituitary gland
8. What is the standard HEIGHT of the net at the edges in badminton?
A. 1.55 metres or 5 feet 1 inch
B. 1.6 metres or 5 feet 24 inches
C. 1.65 metres or 5 feet 41 inches
9. Which of the following medical INSTRUMENT is similar to a scalpel?
A. Lancet
B. Larynx
C. Lancer
10. JUDO is a modern martial art that was created in 1882 in which country?
A. South Korea
B. Japan
C. China
11. Which KING is credited with establishing and developing the Royal Navy, the naval warfare force of the United Kingdom?
A. Alfred the Great
B. King Henry VII
C. Edward the Confessor
12. Which LOCATION in Los Angeles has been the venue of the annual Academy Awards ceremony since its opening in 2001?
A. The Dolby Theatre
B. The Olympus Theatre
C. The Orpheum Theatre
13. Which MEDIUM was used by the ancient Sumerian record keepers to record their writings?
A. Soft clay
B. Wood
C. Papyrus
14. What is the other NAME of vitamin C?
A. Ascorbic acid
B. Retinoic acid
C. Ascorbic acid
15. On which special OCCASION do the Jewish have to fast in 25 hours?
A. Rosh Hashanah
B. Shemini Atzeret
C. Yom Kippur
16. Which PLANET in the solar system was originally named by scientists as “George’s Star”?
A. Uranus
B. Jupiter
C. Saturn
17. Which of the following QUALIFICATION is needed by a financial advisor or expert?
18. What is the ROLE of a Sous chef in a restaurant?
A. To prepare baked goods
B. To be responsible for everything
C. To be second in command
19. Which SONG of the Beatles starts with the name of the French national anthem – “La Marseillaise”?
A. “Let it be”
B. “Here comes the sun”
C. “All you need is love”
20. What is the TITLE of a 1989 hit by the famous English singer Elton John?
A. “Orifice”
B. “Edifice”
C. “Sacrifice”
21. What does URL, the address of a World Wide Web page, stand for?
A. Universal Resource Lock
B. Uniform Resource Locator
C. Unique Resource Locator
22. Which VEHICLE was manufactured by the French engineer Louis Renault?
A. Automobiles
B. Trains
C. Planes
23. Which of the following WORD would be a jolt or a pot?
A. Knock
B. Tub
C. Jar
24. X-RAY or X-radiation was discovered in 1895 by a scientist from which country?
A. France
B. Italy
C. Germany
25. In which YEAR did the Berlin Wall fall, speeding up the reunification of Germany?
A. 1985
B. 1989
C. 1993
26. The number ZERO was invented by which ancient civilisation?
A. Chinese
B. Egyptian
C. Mesopotamian
27. What is the CAPITAL of Australia?
A. Sydney
B. Canberra
C. Melbourne
28. Which SINGER is known as the King of Pop?
A. Elton John
B. Eric Clapton
C. Michael Jackson
29. Which of the following PROGRAMING languages is commonly used for making websites?
A. C++
B. Javascript
C. Matlab
30. Which HISTORICAL event led to World War II in 1939?
A. Germany invaded Poland
B. German prince was assassinated
C. A German town was bombarded
31. Which FORCE is the main cause of lightning?
A. Gravity
B. Static electricity
C. Centrifugal force
With these A to Z quiz questions and answers, we are sure that you will never forget any letter in the alphabet again. Hope you have a great time and learn a lot of interesting facts. Check out this trivia Yes or No quiz, this 100 pub questions quiz, or this General knowledge quiz for more challenges.