Are you looking for some challenges to kill the time or have fun with your friends? Let’s take a look at the following 35 quiz questions and answers beginning with A to see how much you know.
Quiz Questions And Answers Beginning With A
1. Buenos Aires is the capital city of which country?
A. Albania
B. Argentina
C. Armenia
2. Complete the following common English-language proverb: “An … a day keeps the doctor away.”
A. Apricot
B. Avocado
C. Apple
3. What is the name of the largest artery in the human body?
A. Aorta
B. Adventitia
C. Antima
4. Which of the following terms refers to the fear of spiders?
A. Arachnophobia
B. Astraphobia
C. Acrophobia
5. “19”, “21”, “25”, and “30” are studio albums by which famous singer?
A. Ariana Grande
B. Adele
C. Alan Walker
6. What is the second-largest city in Denmark, after the capital of Copenhagen?
A. Amsterdam
B. Aachen
C. Aarhus
7. What is the family name of the writer who was the author of the classic novel “Pride and Prejudice”?
A. Auster
B. Austen
C. Atkinson
8. Which Chinese firm was founded in 1999 and is now one of the largest retailers and e-commerce companies in the world?
A. Alibaba
B. Apple
C. Air China
9. The gels or extracts of which plant can be used to heal wounds and alleviate sunburn?
A. Angel trumpet
B. Ambrosia
C. Aloe vera
10. In which popular video game do you have to retrieve eggs stolen by a group of green pigs?
A. Age of Empires
B. Angry Birds
C. Animal Crossing
11. In the periodic table, what is the chemical symbol for silver?
A. Ag
B. Au
C. Al
12. Which animal is a member of the camel family and looks very similar to a llama?
A. Antelope
B. Anaconda
C. Alpaca
13. What is the smallest continent in the world by land area, which only accounts for 6 per cent of the total land area?
A. Antarctica
B. Australia
C. Africa
14. The logo of which automotive company depicts four interlocking rings?
A. Audi
B. Aston Martin
C. Aventador
15. In Greek mythology, which hero was invulnerable in all of his body except for one heel?
A. Atlas
B. Achilles
C. Athena
16. Which of the following organisations is an economic and political union of 10 countries in Southeast Asia?
17. Which skin condition causes pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads, especially in teenagers?
A. Atopic dermatitis
B Athlete’s foot
C. Acne
18. Which of the following languages is spoken in Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe?
A. Askunu
B. Akan
C. Afrikaans
19. In mathematics, what is the name of a part of the circumference of a circle?
A. Array
B. Arc
C. Axiom
20. What is the name of the blue colour that is usually described as the sky colour on a clear day?
A. Azure
B. Aqua
C. Amber
21. Which sea is located between Turkey and Greece?
A. Arabian Sea
B. Aegean Sea
C. Andaman Sea
22. Which zodiac sign is represented by a ram?
A. Aries
B. Aquarius
C. Ariana
23. Which of the following terms refers to the white part of an egg?
A. Albumen
B. Al fresco
C. A la carte
24. Chianti, Omaha Fiesole, and Globe are all varieties of which veggies?
A. Asparagus
B. Artichoke
C. Acorn squash
25. Which of the following is a modern Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba?
A. Akado
B. Aikido
C. Aekwondo
26. South Korea has been dominant in which Olympic sports with 26 out of 39 gold medals since 1984?
A. Artistic swimming
B. Athletics
C. Archery
27. Highbury was the former stadium of which English football club?
A. Aston Villa
B. Arsenal
C. AFC Bournemouth
28. What is the Arabic word for god?
A. Abu
B. Allah
C. Arabat
29. Which Greek philosopher was taught by Plato and founded the Peripatetic school of philosophy?
A. Aristotle
B. Archimedes
C. Alexander the Great
30. What is the name of a Mesoamerican culture that thrived In central Mexico between 1300 and 1521?
A. Assyria
B. Aztecs
C. Akkadian Empire
31. What is the name of the alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II?
A. The Allies
B. The Angels
C. The Axis powers
32. What is the name of the space program carried out by NASA to land the first people on the moon?
A. Athena program
B. Apollo program
C. Ares program
33. What is the favourite food of chipmunks and squirrels?
A. Almonds
B. Acorns
C. Argania
34. According to the International System of Units, what is the measurement unit of electric current?
A. Ampere
B. Apex
C. Are
35. What is the largest state by land area in the United States?
A. Alaska
B. Alabama
C. Arizona
What do you think about these quiz questions and answers beginning with A? We hope you learn some interesting facts and enjoy your time. For more challenges on the same topic, check out the following one-letter answer quiz or this quiz with answers starting with S.